No Pizza for Aunt Lisa
3B Anna Fung

     This Sunday, Annie wants to prepare lunch for Aunt Lisa.  ‘What will I prepare for Aunt Lisa?’ thinks Annie.  ‘Oh!  I know!  Aunt Lisa likes eating pizzas.  I can buy one for her,’ says Annie.
     Annie goes down the block.  She catches sight of an Italian shop.  ‘Oh, lucky me!  There is a brand new Italian shop waiting just for me.  What will I order?’ says Annie to herself.  Annie looks at the menu.  She thinks, ‘Aunt Lisa doesn’t like eating seafood.  Maybe I need to order a pineapple and sausage pizza.’  Annie orders the pizza.
     When Annie goes home, she meets Aunt Lisa on the road.  Annie and Aunt Lisa walk home happily.  When they arrive at Annie’s house, Aunt Lisa takes out the microwave oven to reheat the pizza because Annie is bad at using the microwave oven.  When Annie puts the pizza in the microwave oven and presses the button, it starts to explode, ‘Boom!  Boom!’  The fire starts burning all over the table.  ‘Oh no!’ scream Annie and Aunt Lisa.  Aunt Lisa calls the fire engine.
     At last, the fire engine comes.  A brave fireman comes out from the fire engine and puts out the fire.  Annie and Aunt Lisa have a sigh of relief!