The Giving Mother
6A Christie Pang

Once upon a time, there was a mother and she had a daughter. Her daughter’s name was Mary. They lived in a little wooden house. Mary’s father was dead when she was two. Her mother did not have a job because she didn’t have a chance to study. They were very poor.

        Although Mary and her mother were poor, they loved each other very much. Her mother always told Mary some stories and played with her. They slept together in a bedroom. They lived happily in the little house.

        Time went by. Soon, Mary grew older and older. One day, she said that she wanted some money to go to the city. Her mother found a job and earned some money for her. Mary was happy but her mother was upset.

Mary stayed away for a long time.  One day, she came back to her mother’s house.  Her mother was very happy. Mary said that she wanted to build a house in the city. Her mother sold all her things and gave her money.  She was lonely.

After a long time, Mary eventually came back.  Her mother was joyful. She nearly cried.  She was sorry that she had nothing to give Mary. Mary promised her she wouldn’t leave her again. She gave her a big hug.  At last, they lived together happily ever after.

Our parents give us a lot of things. We should be thankful and care for them.