The Tortoise and the Hare
4D Eve Tang

      Long,long time ago, there was a small hut. Inside the small hut, there was a tortoise and a hare. The tortoise always ran slower than the hare so they always argued over who was better at running. One day, the hare talked to the tortoise that he wanted to have a running race again so they went to the starting line and started running. They were nervous.

      The hare ran faster so he left the tortoise far behind. Suddenly, he stopped by a river. The river was deep so the hare could not cross the river. He was worried that the tortoise would win the race.

      After one minute, the hare had an idea. He took out a wand and casted a 'dry spell' on the river and the water disappeared. The hare hopped across the river and won the race. The tortoise was unhappy when he got to the river because there was no water. The animals and the hare were happy.