Annie and the Pizza
3B Brinana Siu

Thursday                                                                                         7th January, 2016.

        One Sunday afternoon, Annie is preparing a pizza for Aunt Lisa.

        Annie goes to an Italian Shop. She orders a pizza with cheese, pineapples and sausages on top. “How much is a bottle of apple juice?” asks Annie. “It is fifteen dollars.” Says the salesgirl. “May I have two cans of cola and a bottle of lemon tea, please?” “Yes, here you are,” says the salesgirl. “That is $160 all together.” “Thank you” says Annie.

        Annie reheats the pizza in a microwave oven in the kitchen. Aunt Lisa is not at home, she goes shopping. Annie is reheating the pizza for Aunt Lisa. Oh no! Suddenly, some smoke comes out from the oven.  Annie is worried and scared.

        Annie calls Aunt Lisa and the fireman for help.  The fireman puts out the fire with water. The kitchen is very wet. They do not have a pizza for lunch. They need to go out for lunch. Aunt Lisa must ask someone to clean her kitchen. She is very angry. Annie feels sorry. Annie cannot use the kitchen anymore.

                                                                                                by Brianna Siu (P.3B)