It's Halloween
3D Sophie So

Halloween is an old festival. It is on 31st October. I always hold parties. Dad and Mum buy me presents.
Every year, my family have a costume party at home. I usually invite my classmates and friends to the party. Some of my classmates dress up as princesses. Some of my friends dress up as pumpkins. I always dress up as a witch. I have a witch costume. It is a long dress. It is black. I have a hat too. I carry a broom.
Our parents always prepare delicious food for the party, eyeball mini cakes, a scary haunted chocolate house and some sweet chocolate lollipops. They are yummy. We play games too. We do broom races. I am the winner. We do face painting too. I draw a flower on my face. We do trick-or-treat. It is fun.
I like Halloween parties because they are fantastic.