It's Halloween

3D Jeslyn Ma


Halloween is an old festival. It is on 31st October. People usually have costume parties. I like Halloween parties because they are fun.

Every year, my family have a costume party at home. I usually invite my cousins to my party. Some of my cousins dress up as witches. Some dress up as angels. Some dress up as fairies. I like to dress up as a cowgirl. I look pretty. My costume is comfortable and soft. I wear a yellow shirt with three buttons on it and blue stripped jeans. The shirt has some laces on its edges. I tie two long ribbons on my head. I put on a pair of light green shoes.

We prepare special food for the party. We have eyeball mini cakes, ghostly pumpkin pudding and spider bites. They taste delicious. We prepare some funny games, too. We have pin a tail on a black cat, face painting and broom races. I enjoy playing the games.

        Halloween parties are fun. We feel happy but tired at the end of that day.